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55.90 ; BF. 1118 (W) le dr.: 1995. NUGI 750 New - New advances in cardiovascular physiology and pharmacology / ed.: Manuel Velasco, Rafael Hernandez ; associate ed.: Maria José Armas-Hemandez, Anita Israël, Giuseppe Crippa. - lst ed.
High Notes: Selected Writings of Gay Talese

High Notes: Selected Writings of Gay Talese

Gay Talese

Di Gregorio had been a member of the Bonanno organization for thirty years, and until recent months Bill Bonanno had believed that Di Gregorio was one of his father's most loyal followers. He was a quiet, unassuming grayhaired man of ...
Alrededor de tu piel

Alrededor de tu piel

Claudia Velasco

"Claudia Velasco ha sabido envolverme nuevamente en la historia y transmitir cada uno de los sentimientos, ver el lado más oscuro de Ronan y la fuerza de Eloisse." Libros de Romántica
Marble Season

Marble Season

Gilbert Hernandez

In his first book with Faber, Hernandez tells the untold stories of these American comics legends' youth, and portrays the reality of life in a large family in suburban 1960s California.
Scrivener For Dummies

Scrivener For Dummies

Gwen Hernandez

Written by veteran Scrivener trainer and novelist Gwen Hernandez, you'll learn to set up a new project, organize your research, track scene elements, create custom layouts, and more with this friendly Scrivener guide.
Advances in Plant Dormancy

Advances in Plant Dormancy


279 Gustavo Hernández and Rob Craig 18 Assessment of Alternative Bud Break Enhancers for Commercial Kiwifruit Production of 'Zesy002' (Gold3)......................... ..................... 289 Gustavo Hernández, Rob Craig and David Tanner 19 Effect of ...


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Y, constando de la demanda que a la señora Francisca Patrocinia de Jesús Rosales viuda de Hernández, conocida por Jesús Rosales viuda de Hernández, no le fue notificada la resolución por medio de la cual, la Junta Directiva del Instituto ...
La historia del tequila, de sus regiones y sus hombres

La historia del tequila, de sus regiones y sus hombres

Rogelio Luna Zamora

Adolfo Gazcón David Flores Ruiz Hermanos Luis Robles Heliodoro Sánchez Luis C. Rojas J. Jesús Ruvalcaba César Flores Navarrete Arturo Palos Sauza Hernández y Rosales José Cuervo Eladio Sauza Ernesto Hernández n.d. Heliodoro ...
The Night Buffalo: A Novel

The Night Buffalo: A Novel

Guillermo Arriaga

A compelling new novel by the author of 21 Games revolves around the suicide of Gregorio, a charismatic but troubled young man betrayed by the two people whom he trusted the most. Reprint.
Modern Poets

Modern Poets

Lilio Gregorio Giraldi

... think of anyone who has produced up till now plays in Latin, whether comedies or tragedies, unless perhaps we adduce Giovanni Armonio Marso, who published only one play, as far as I know, called Stephanium, which is read everywhere.
The Lieutenant Nun: Transgenderism, Lesbian Desire, and ...

The Lieutenant Nun: Transgenderism, Lesbian Desire, and ...

Sherry Velasco

"This book is an exciting, well-organized overview of the evolution of a cultural icon: the nun-ensign Catalina de Erauso.


Claudia Velasco

Gypsy es la tercera y última parte de Spanish Lady, tras Ojos verdes, y nos lleva de vuelta a Dublín, al peculiar mundo de los gitanos irlandeses y sus tradiciones.
Zeitschrift für zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie

Zeitschrift für zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie

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In : The Hypothalamus (L. Martini, M. Motta, and F. Fraschini, eds.), p. 45-68. New York: Academic Press. 1970. Teleisnik, S., Velasco, M., Astrada, J.: Effect of hypothalamic deafferentation on the control of luteinizing hormone secretion.


Boston University

... Mildred Veronica Roslindale Lavery, Agnes Catherine Chestnut Hill Leach, Sibyl Westerly, R. I. Lechten, Sylvia Doris ... Carl Edward Fitchburg Luiz, Gregorio Marciel New Bedford Lund, Constance Rose Wollaston Lyon, Isabelle Helen ...

who called from an unknown number?